How To Sell Anime NFTs

How To Sell Anime NFTs

A non-fungible token, known better as NFT, can be a meme, text, song, video, or even anime art. The NFT marketplace has exploded onto the scene in recent years, with sales in 2021 topping a record $17 billion! More than just a way to collect your favorite anime pieces, many creators have also learned how to sell anime NFTs as a way to make good money. Investors have also recognized the immense popularity of anime NFTs as an opportunity to make smart purchases now to re-sell later for profit.

If you’re an anime fan, you might’ve been asking the question, “can I sell anime NFT collections?” Today, we’re looking at how to sell anime NFTs, where to list your NFTs, and taking a look at some successful anime NFT projects you may be interested in.

Can You Sell Your Anime NFT Art?

Before we jump into discussing how to sell anime NFTs, it’s important to answer the question, “can I sell anime NFT collections?” Simply put, yes, you can start minting NFTs and selling your anime NFT art so long as you are the original creator.

When it comes to NFTs, there is a lot of confusion surrounding copyrighted material with the need for being mindful of copyright infringement. Many people who buy NFT anime art are under the impression that they are also buying all the rights to the artwork. The truth, however, is that when you buy an NFT, you own the metadata while the other rights may remain with the original creator.

Setting themselves apart from other types of digital collectibles, NFTs can include a "smart contract" in code stored on the blockchain and can transfer intellectual property rights from the original creators to the buyer and holder of the NFT. Generally speaking, an NFT only gives the buyer the right to sell the NFT.

So, what is the difference between selling anime fanart vs. your own unique characters? As you’re learning how to sell anime NFTs you’ll find that the rules around selling fan art require permission of the copyright holder. Without expressed permission from the copyright holder, the sale of this art is illegal as it doesn’t fall under fair use. To avoid potential copyright infringement, it’s best to not sell fan art and instead learn how to sell anime NFTs that are works of your own creation and design.

How To Get Started Selling Your Anime NFTs

Now that you’ve gotten an answer to the question, “can I sell anime NFT collections?” let’s take a look at how to sell anime NFTs successfully. With the right strategy, there’s the potential for making money in the NFT marketplace whether you’re a creator or investor. Check out these steps for how to sell anime NFTs:

  • Choose a platform
  • Create a digital wallet
  • Decide on a price for your NFTs
  • Post your NFT listings
  • Make your first sales

Step 1: Choose a Platform

The first step to learning how to sell anime NFTs is to choose the perfect platform. There are several open online marketplaces as well as marketplaces that directly target consumers. The marketplace you choose should be one known to cater to anime NFT collectors for the best results. Additionally, you’ll want to assess any fees involved in selling NFTs on that marketplace.

Step 2: Create a Digital Wallet

Before selling your anime art, you’ll need to create a digital wallet for holding your cryptocurrency. There are plenty of options available, but some of the most popular for NFT sales are Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, and MetaMask. It’s important to do your own research and find the best wallet to suit your requirements.

Step 3: Decide On a Price

While all NFT creators hope their works will be worth tons of money, there are various factors that go into what makes an NFT valuable. In the end, NFTs are only as valuable as people are willing to pay. Some of the factors that affects value that you should be aware of when learning how to sell anime NFTs include:

  • Rarity: If your anime art character has unique traits, this will increase their value.
  • Historical price: You should consider similar NFTs and make your prices as close as possible to their average prices over the past month.
  • Tradability or utility: NFTs that belong to a larger metaverse can often be traded for digital objects or inclusion in a member-only club that offers discounts or early access. NFTs that have these extra bonuses are often traded at a higher price.
  • Following: NFTs with a large following tend to fetch a higher price. New sellers will not have a large following yet; therefore it is best to stick to the historical price.

Step 4: Post Your Listing

Now that you have your platform, your wallet, and your price, it’s time to list your anime NFT!

Log onto your preferred platform to start creating your listing. You will have to provide a name and description for your anime art NFT. The description should include information on any additional perks that go along with buying your NFT, the history or lore behind the NFT, and whether there are any themes included in your collection.

You’ll also need to determine if you want to list your NFT as for sale or for auction. These two types of methods for how to sell anime NFTs may affect the ending price your NFT goes for. 

When you list an NFT for sale, it means your anime NFT will sell at a fixed price. You can simply enter your price and the duration of the sales window (how long the listing will remain active on the marketplace platform). This is the price you’re willing to sell your anime NFT for.

Listing your NFTs for auction is the other method for how to sell anime NFTs you may choose. This type of listing means that potential buyers get to bid on the NFT for a certain amount of time with the highest ending bid being the purchase price for the NFT. If you choose an auction-style listing, you will be able to set the minimum price before the auction commences.

Step 5: Make Your Sale

Now that you have a live listing, it is time to make the sale. When it comes to auctions, you’ll be notified each time someone places a bid. Even though a notification system is in place, it’s still best to check in to make sure you don't miss anything. For a fixed price listing, you’ll be notified when someone chooses to buy your NFT. This is considered a public sale and you will receive cryptocurrency in your digital wallet.

Buyers may also contact you directly with private offers for your anime NFT. Tread with caution when this happens, as it’s possible to fall victim to bots or find yourself being approached by competitors offering to buy your NFT for less than its listed price.

Marketplaces Where You Can Sell Your Anime NFTs

As mentioned previously, one of the first steps for how to sell anime NFTs is to choose the marketplace that’s right for you. This may be an NFT marketplace that is popular with anime NFT collectors and investors, somewhere you’ll stand out, or a marketplace that offers a variety of ways to buy NFTs that other marketplaces may not. Some of the most popular NFT marketplaces are:

  • OpenSea
  • Rarible


UCOLLEX is a popular NFT marketplace that is unique from other platforms as it allows users to buy NFTs using a credit card instead of cryptocurrency, if they prefer. It’s a great platform for newcomers to the NFT world who are creating art to sell for the first time, too! UCOLLEX sells unique and limited edition NFTs while also allowing buyers to connect with NFT creators through interviews and exclusive content.


OpenSea is currently the largest online marketplace for selling NFTs, including anime art. If you want to sell on OpenSea, you must choose between Polygon or Ethereum blockchains. OpenSea does have a small trading fee (currently sitting at 2.5%) which you should take into consideration when selling on this platform.


Rarible requires sellers to have a cryptocurrency wallet that is connected to Ethereum, Tezos, or Flow. Rarible also takes 2.5% of the total price of the NFT as a trading fee from both the seller and the buyer. Rarible can be another good option for selling NFTs as it offers a variety of tokens, including anime art. Like OpenSea, however, Rarible also lacks the flexibility of non-crypto payment types offered by other platforms like UCOLLEX.

Is Selling Anime NFTs Profitable?

NFT marketplaces are becoming more and more mainstream as larger numbers of sellers enter the digital realm to sell their art. Anime NFTs have proven to be profitable, as the uniqueness of these tokens appeals to anime collectors, fans, and NFT hobbyists alike.

A couple profitable anime NFTs at this time include Azuki and Karafuru:


Azuki is one of the most profitable NFTs in the world. Purchasing an Azuki NFT gives you access to "The Garden,” an online retreat where artists, copyright owners, creators, and builders meet up. The current NFT floor price for Azuki NFT is 10.1 ETH, or roughly $19,500.

This anime NFT collection debuted in January 2022 with 10,000 tokens held by 5,143 Azuki owners. The total sales value of Azuki currently exceeds $2.72 million.


While the Karafuru NFT collection debuted in February 2022, it had a massive social media following before then which gave its release a lot of buzz within the community. It quickly sold out its 5,555 tokens, which are currently held by 3,685 Karafuru holders. Karafuru is a very unique collection in that, while anime-inspired, it looks very distinct compared to other anime NFTs.

The current NFT floor price for Karafuru is 0.46 ETH which amounts to roughly $740 and the collection has a total sales value of $186,250.

What Are The Benefits Of Selling Your Anime As An NFT?

Now that you’ve started learning how to sell anime NFTs and what affects their value, what are the benefits of selling your anime as an NFT? The anime world has taken NFT marketplaces by storm, giving fans access to unique ways to own pieces of their favorites. It makes sense, however, that there must be benefits to selling your anime as an NFT otherwise creators wouldn’t participate! Some of the benefits of selling anime NFTs include:

  • Access to a global market
  • Verified ownership
  • Royalty payment options

Access to a Global Market

Being able to sell your art online means you have access to potential buyers worldwide. Where physical artwork may be most easily (or sometimes exclusively) be sold in your immediate area, NFTs allow you to bypass additional expenses like shipping costs or the risks associated with shipping physical pieces.

Selling your anime NFT on an online marketplace lets you reach millions of anime fans across the globe at the push of a button. You can also use social media platforms to market your work to a global audience and engage with others in the community.

Verified Ownership

The best part of selling digital art as an NFT is that the original creator retains all copyrights unless it is specified in a contract that the copyright or intellectual property transfers to the buyer. NFTs also allow buyers to know that the artwork is completely original and sold by the owner and creator of the artwork through the blockchain ledger.

Royalty Payments

NFTs are a source of recurring income for many NFT creators thanks to royalties built into smart contracts. Because of these smart contracts, artists minting NFTs can benefit from the secondary market, as they receive a commission each time the NFTs are resold.

As you can see, there’s a lot more that goes into learning how to sell anime NFTs than just popping up a listing and seeing what sells. You need to be aware of copyright laws to avoid infringement, ensure your NFTs are unique to drive value, and take part in the large anime community as a whole in order to generate interest in your work. Creating and selling NFTs can be very lucrative for some, making this new and existing frontier a marketplace worth exploring.

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